The Empyrean Bathroom Accessory Collections feature unique, luxurious, and innovative bath fixtures and furnishings including towel bars and rings, robe hooks, soap containers, glass shelves, brush and paper holders, and more.
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Enhance your steam bath experience with a wall-mounted, foldable shower seat from Virta. With two distinctive styles and finishes, you can find the perfect fit for your needs. These tilt-up seats are not just a luxurious accessory but a practical solution for lengthy steam sessions, allowing you to relax without sacrificing your essential shower space. Plus, with a limited time warranty on replaceable parts, your comfort comes with peace of mind.
Virta's new line of luxury towel warmers make stepping out of a shower an elegant and comfortable experience. In various styles and sizes, our towel warmers provide radiant heating at high performance and low cost for the perfect dry warm towels to make post bathing a pleasurable experience. No matter what your bathroom decor, we have the style for you in various finishes including gold, black and chrome. Keep your towels and bathrobes dry and fresh in beautiful fashion.